Better Tomorrow

Excel Foundation

The Excel Foundation is a Community Based Organization, a non-political Association of youths and Kenyan citizens,  established on 14th February 2021. The organization signals the need for proactive and extensive engagement by members. Currently the organization has 20 active members. The main objectives of the Organization includes; develop programs that promote networking amongst its members, Promote overall growth of the community in academics, morals and spiritually, assist the community in the growth and advancement of its socio-cultural development among other social programs 

Excel Foundation

First Charity Event of the Year, 2024

Excel foundation in collaboration with Beautiful Souls, Amaris Foundation, Chelsea Kenya Mombasa Branch, and Embrace New Beginning will hold a joint...

Resource Mobilization

Resource mobilization within members and from external sources and every bit helps us to realize our goals of offering better services to our...

Drugs and Substance Abuse

Promote prevention of alcohol abuse and effects among the youths in the community  and create awareness on alcohol abuse and its effects...


We engage one on one talk with the youths, this helps the youth openly admitted that alcohol and drugs have long time effects them Through our...

Social Livelihood

Thematic area Social Livelihood The Excel Foundation Social Livelihood Social livelihood issues can be dealt with through workshops, training...

Talent Discovery and Development

Through sports and music we nature and develop talents and we believe in the power of talent to enrich and transform lives, promote education and...

Environment and Climate Change

Campaigns on environment and climate change have been initiated to encourage citizens to engage in tree planting exercises to contribute to increasing...

Women and Youth Empowerment

Excel Foundation emphasis on Women and Youth Empowerment programs aim at raising women and youth statuses through education, raising awareness...


Our Mission

To mobilize resources and human to ensure /aid economic relief and better environmental and living standards.

Our Vision

To alleviate poverty, strengthen capacity for self-awareness and gender equality and sustain development in a timely and effective manner